Continuing studies after a design BTS, portrait of LG

Louis-Gonzague – or LG as he calls himself – is a third-year student of the Postgraduate degree in Project Design. He joined the school last September and tells us how he got here and about his decision to continue studying after his BTS in graphic design.
What education did you receive before this?
I was in the Management Sciences and Technologies stream (STMG) in secondary school, with a focus on management and finance, but I knew I wanted to study design, so the subjects I took in secondary school didn’t matter to me. However, the specialisation did give me management skills, which will be useful in my future profession. As my school didn’t offer a Visual Arts option, I had to work on my drawing skills by myself so I could compile a portfolio for later studies.
After secondary school, I enrolled in a university diploma in multimedia and internet careers for its graphic design aspects. Unfortunately, my maths skills meant I had trouble following and really getting into the coding class. So, I decided to swap to a more specific vocational training certificate – a BTS in graphic design – which I obtained before coming to the École Supérieure de Design de Troyes.
Why did you decide to continue studying after your BTS in graphic design?
Although I did have a diploma under my belt, I didn’t want to go straight into the workforce, because I felt like I still had a lot to learn. Plus, I had other aspirations than to work as a graphic designer in a start-up. So, I looked into which schools might suit my educational background, and I discovered the École Supérieure de Design de Troyes. This school’s key strength is the relationship it has with companies through collaboration, discussions, etc. It’s really this practical aspect that I missed out on during my BTS and which the École Supérieure de Design de Troyes would totally make up for!
Since joining in September, how did the start of the academic year go?
Being admitted via an alternative entry pathway is quite disorienting, as there are not many of us, but it does promote mutual support and create bonds. In September, we joined the second-year students while waiting for the third years to get back from their internships. During the first semester, we revised some software basics and explored other software like 3D programs that I hadn’t touched since my first year of uni! We also did several week-long workshops on circassian props, as well as on the theme of digital illusions, with an introduction to holograms and optical theatre.
The good thing about joining the second-year students was being able to help them based on the experience we’d already acquired. Then in January, the course began with the rest of our year, and the collaborative projects with companies were a real challenge yet truly enlightening – no less than I expected from this school.
You’re going on to the postgraduate degree. What do you want to get out of this course?
When I started at this school, I knew I would go on to do the postgraduate degree. My goal is to become an artistic director, and for that I need to do a bit of everything, to be as versatile as possible so I’m ready to enter the job market. I hope to be able to improve my software skills, particularly in 3D and motion design. I try to learn on my own, but there’s nothing better than having a teacher to guide you and answer your questions, and I think that in two years of Masters, it is entirely possible to further improve on a technical level.
The way I see it, generally speaking, the postgraduate degree prepares you for project management, including the creative aspects, but also the strategic and commercial ones.
What are your plans as a graduate?
When I graduate from the Postgraduate degree in Project Design, I would like to be an artistic director. I really like motion design and the world of technology, so why not work for a smartphone manufacturer like OnePlus, where I have contacts. Speaking of contacts, the École Supérieure de Design de Troyes also works towards developing its network, which helps us students develop ours under supervision at the same time. The school also operates like a family, where graduates can help newcomers find companies or even get into the school. That was my experience, anyway. I was fortunate to be able to ask a now-employed fifth-year student questions, and he guided me in my choices.