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Kick off for Campus Art applications

The new CampusArt application session for international students interested in art, design, applied arts, fashion, music, cinema, stage design, 3D animation, architecture is open since November 2nd.
There you will find the School of Design (Ecole Supérieure de Design de Troyes) and its two programs: bac+3 Designer graphique et bac+5 Designer Concepteur de projet.

Three conditions have to be met to apply:

  • having a 1, 2, or 3-year background in the field;
  • having a sufficient level of French;
  • being able to show a portfolio.

The selected candidates will benefit from a facilitated “Études en France” procedure (faster processing, depending on the countries: interview waiver, “Etudes en France” processing fees reduced or waived)

Click here to apply!

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Contact information
Campus Saint-Martin
13 boulevard Henri Barbusse
10000 Troyes
+33 (0)6 73 16 46 99
(*) Required fields
Copyright 2020 © École de Design