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Frequently Asked Questions

What student associations are there at Y SCHOOLS?

There are many student associations at Y SCHOOLS. You are very welcome to join any of them. One of them is ESN Troyes. It specialises in welcoming international students and organising events.

Who can I contact for any questions on international admissions?

You can send an email to

We will get back to you as soon as possible.

What’s the cost of living for one semester?

  • The cost of living may vary, depending on your standards.
  • The average monthly rent in Troyes ranges from 300 to 450 euros depending on the type of accommodation.
  • The CVEC is the Student and Campus Life Contribution (Contribution vie étudiante et de campus). Compulsory €91 tax per year for all freemover students Payment certificate and specific number will be delivered automatically; they will have to be presented for online registration at Y SCHOOLS.
  • Compulsory residence permit for non-European students holding ‘Visa Etudiant CESEDA R311-3 6° (60 € in 2019/20).
  • Home insurance: approx. €60 per year (compulsory)
  • Student Union (BDE) fees: approx. €25 / semester (optional)
  • Sports Union (BDS) fees: approx. € 20 / semester (optional)
  • Compulsory Student Card (includes access to exams, library, photocopies…) given upon arrival.
  • Re-issues will cost €10.
  • Lunch ticket at school: €3.95 (2019/20)
  • Food: approx. € 250 / month
  • Public transport: approx. €35 / month
  • “Baguette of bread”: approx. € 1

You can also refer to the Campus France city leaflets for:


Which Y SCHOOLS campus will I study at?

The School of Design is located in Troyes, in the ancient abbey Saint-Martin-ès-Aires, very close to Troyes city centre. The campus is called Saint Martin.

What language is the teaching delivered in?

For the Bachelor cycle, lessons are given in French, while the Masters cycle is in French and English. However, to date, no courses are 100% taught in English.

French lessons are offered to international students, before beginning the university year, and throughout the year.

Which subjects should I have studied at high school in order to be eligible for the 1st year?

The École Supérieure de Design de Troyes is accessible with any kind of high school qualification, including a vocational qualification, but you must have successfully completed high school in order to join our school.

The School of Design is accessible whatever subject you have chosen during high school.

It doesn’t really matter what you’ve specialised in, we’re more interested in knowing who you are and what you want to do.

What training is offered by the École Supérieure de Design de Troyes after completing high school?

2 types of degrees:

The Postgraduate degree in Project Design, a long-term programme focusing on 3 areas of expertise: space, product and visual communication. This degree is certified by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and RNCP certified level 7.

The Undergraduate degree in Graphic Design, RNCP certified level 6.

I have successfully completed 2 years of higher education in Design. Which year can I join?

If you have already completed 2 years of successful studies in design, you can apply for admission in the 3rd year. To do this, please fill in the online application:

You will be asked to present a portfolio at your interview.

Do I need to buy educational supplies for the course?

A list of supplies will be sent to you at the beginning of the year. You are not required to buy any particular brand, it’s up to you to adapt this list according to your needs.

We have a partnership with the Rougier & Plé store, offering a 10% discount on your purchases.

When can I meet you?

We are present at many student fairs around the world and can be contacted for a personal interview via Skype if you wish.

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Can I get to the school on public transport?

Bus lines 1 and 7 serve the Ecole Supérieure de Design de Troyes from the station and the city centre.

Do you have a catering service at the school?

You can have lunch at the university canteen, located behind the school (5 minutes’ walk), shared with the Faculty of the City of Troyes (provided you have enrolled in the autumn and have your card).

The school also has an area with fridges and microwaves where you can have lunch on site.

The student subscription is €105 / year (rates as at September 2019).

Is it easy to find accommodation?

Before your arrival, our team will help you find accommodation.

We invite you to use the following link:

The platform centralises the ads for properties near our campus, landlords, real estate agencies, halls of residence, single or shared apartments. An administrative help page is available to help you through the process.

Feel Français

Our partner is a premium concierge service specialized in assisting foreign students in preparing their arrival in France.

Before your arrival in Troyes:

– Find accommodation
– Understand how to process your visa application if you need one.
– Open a French bank account (you need it for CAF aid)
– Subscribe to a mobile phone plan
– Subscribe a housing insurance (mandatory in France)

Once you set foot in Troyes:

– Enroll in la CAF (housing allowance from the French state)
– Visa validation (only for non EU)
– Public transportation card subscription
– Subscribe to electricity for your accommodation
– Subscribe a health insurance plan (only for non EU)

What assistance can I get to fund my studies?

The École Supérieure de Design de Troyes offers payment of tuition fees in instalments.

Please refer to the Campus France scholarship directory and check if you are eligible for one of the scholarships listed there:

FINS student loans

For students coming from the EU (including UK and Switzerland), for Bachelor and Master studies.
Up to 25,000 EUR

For more information:

Is the École Supérieure de Design de Troyes a private university?

The École Supérieure de Design de Troyes is a private higher education establishment, part of Y SCHOOLS, and a member of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE). The school is recognised by the State, as the Postgraduate degree in Project Design is certified by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and the Undergraduate degree in Graphic Design is RNCP certified at level 6 by the Ministry of Labour and Employment. The certified qualification allows the holder to certify the skills, abilities and knowledge needed to perform a role or activity in a professional sector.

Do you offer mathematics or language lessons?

A design school is a different school, where the subjects taught are instantly applied to the students’ projects. The lessons are not similar to those given in general secondary schools. Traditional teaching methods are used for projects or for learning designer skills (project marketing and methodology, the history of design, contemporary design, English, etc.).

Other lessons involve learning about tools (drawing, volume, infographics, artistic experimentations) and project development, alone or in a group.

I don’t draw at all and I want to enter the 1st year, is it possible?

Experience in manual or creative activities is not compulsory but can be a plus. Although the quality of your drawing is not one of our selection criteria, we are interested to see what students can do, to give us an idea of the explorations you have made in artistic fields. Drawing is not the only artistic field you can show to us. Don’t hesitate to bring along your personal work: drawings, paintings, photos, models, textile creations, collage, videos, sculpture, sketches, etc.

How long are the average days at the École Supérieure de Design de Troyes?

Although a school day consists of lesson hours (usually between 9am and 6pm), it also requires a considerable amount of work at home, to prepare the deliverables requested. Lesson time is a time for learning and the work you are required to produce is application time. These two components are inseparable, if your studies are to be a success. In the initial years, you will receive personalised monitoring through reports or project presentations, followed by meetings with the degree team during the final year.

Are the degrees awarded by the École Supérieure de Design de Troyes recognised?

Since April 2017, the École Supérieure de Design de Troyes has awarded RNCP qualification level 6 for the Undergraduate degree in Graphic Design, recognised by the State (Order of 07/04/2017 published in the Official Journal of 21/04/2017). The RNCP (National Register of Vocational Certifications) means that the degree is recognised by the Ministry of Labour and Employment. It helps to facilitate access to employment, management of human resources and professional mobility.

Since May 2019, the Postgraduate degree in Project Design has been certified by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (Order of 27/05/2019 by the Official Bulletin of 27/06/2019).

Will I have an opportunity for work experience during my studies?

Throughout the course, students work closely with the professional world, alternating corporate projects, workshops and placements.

In total, nearly one year of work experience through internships (+ 1 semester abroad in a partner university in the 4th year): 1 month internship in the 1st year, 4 months minimum in the 3rd year and 5 months in the 5th year.

What are the possible careers?

There are many possible careers, and new ones are appearing all the time: artistic director, retail designer, industrial designer, creative artisan, design project manager, design strategy manager, product designer, interaction designer, packaging designer, web designer, graphic designer, and so on. Designers can work independently, in an agency or as part of a company.

How are admissions organised?

Enrolments can be made by application, completed directly online

We will assess your skills and motivation at a Skype interview. You will be asked for a portfolio to consolidate your application.

Any question?

Contact information
Campus Saint-Martin
13 boulevard Henri Barbusse
10000 Troyes
+33 (0)6 73 16 46 99

Formulaire contact classique

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