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The shop of tomorrow: retail design project

As part of the second-year retail design class supervised by Clothilde Honnet and Yorik Regnier, students thought long and hard about the shop of tomorrow.

In brief

Yesterday… For a product to end up in our homes, it needs to have been desired, seen, handled, bought and taken home.
The designer’s job is thus to create a continuum of experience in interacting with the product, by coming up with the perfect way of depicting and presenting it.
In a balancing act between the brand’s imagery and the product’s functions, the designer devises the first encounter experience, weighing up challenges from a systemic and responsible perspective as well as a creative and sensitive one.
Retail design is a discipline that teaches a combination of functional design and communication design, and involves strategic thinking and operational concerns, graphic design and spatial design.

Today… During this pandemic period and in the current unprecedented context, the physical shop as a place where transactions occur needs to be reinvented by asking the right questions about the role it should play.
We are at a critical juncture between Apocalypse and renaissance. Our consumption habits must and will change.
In this context, the retail designer becomes a creative force, guiding both customers and brands. Amidst shortages, what solutions are you considering to regain the same level of sales and services?

Drawing on theory classes and an analysis of existing systems, Marine offers an ‘idea book’ that highlights new distribution, sales, service, presentation, points of sale, manufacture and deployment systems, while addressing environmental, economic and social issues. Focus on Marine Gaedler’s proposals.

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Campus Saint-Martin
13 boulevard Henri Barbusse
10000 Troyes
+33 (0)6 73 16 46 99

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