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Product design

To design everyday objects for the present and the future, product designers follow a complex creative process. Beyond the purely aesthetic aspect, their approach investigates usages and users. The creative process must be nourished by a range of essential technical tools, from design to manufacture.

Here, we have selected 3 modules taught in our school that, in our opinion, sum up the fundamentals that need to be acquired in this field.

Modlage et moulage

This module helps develop artistic awareness through direct handling of materials (clay, plaster, etc.).

Its aim is to discover and experiment with artistic techniques and languages so that students can employ them as part of their project development.

Several objectives

  • Studying volumes and shapes in the space
  • Stimulating observation and studying details
  • Designing models
  • Investigating the specific features of materials and producing models related to these features
Modélisation produit

This module aims to teach an understanding of how to manipulate and gradually acquire expertise in product modelling software interfaces (RHINO, 3DS MAX, KeyShot, VRAY). It examines in greater depth the technical and graphical representation of space design projects in digital media.

The module focuses on producing computer versions of drawings, demonstrating how this leads to collaborative, scaleable practices. By producing communication media for their projects, students can determine their feasibility before commencing the prototyping phase.

In the second phase, this module integrates digital prototyping tools in the project development process. Students therefore optimise the use of rapid prototyping machines in the FABLAB, depending on the needs of their different projects.

Several objectives

  • Distinguishing the different 3D modelling tools: volume, surface, NURBS, polygonal
  • Experimenting with the different modelling possibilities
  • Identifying modelling errors
  • Developing gateways to other software
  • Facilitating the use of 3D files for the prototyping phase
  • Experimenting with different digital prototyping methods, depending on needs
  • Developing an awareness of the production process
  • Deciding on the relevance of digital tools for the representation and/or production of a project
Process Industriel

This module explores in greater depth the knowledge of materials in relation to the industrial design world.

It examines the material, its manufacture, its different fields of application, its implementation tools and its life cycle.

Students examine the industrial manufacturing processes that enable optimum development of a design product.

Several objectives

  • Deepening and combining the theoretical and technical bases of materials and their manufacture
  • Assessing the manufacture of products and their life cycle
  • Developing curiosity and intuitive practice in materials and processes
  • Assessing the most recommended industrial processes when developing a project

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Contact information
Campus Saint-Martin
13 boulevard Henri Barbusse
10000 Troyes
+33 (0)6 73 16 46 99

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