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Graduate portrait: Félix Rouquet

Félix is a designer and product manager. He completed the school’s Postgraduate degree in Project Design, and for his degree project, he designed an electric bicycle in collaboration with the Gitane brand produced by Cycleurope Industries.

After an end-of-programme internship with Jean-Baptiste Sibertin Blanc and an initial work experience, he was contacted by Cycleurope who wanted to recruit him as a designer and product manager.

He is now lucky enough to be developing the bicycle he came up with for his degree project and working towards getting it to market. Between project and realisation, there is only one step!

From his studies and work experience to his assignments as product manager, not to mention his semester abroad, check out his video portrait!

Félix Rouquet – Product designer at Cycleurope

A video by Julie Bassonville, 3 rd year student.

If you want to join our school in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th year to train yourself in the management of design projects in a company, you can apply!Admission : dossier sur + portfolio + entretien de motivation par skype.

Admission: file on + portfolio + motivation interview by skype.

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Contact information
Campus Saint-Martin
13 boulevard Henri Barbusse
10000 Troyes
+33 (0)6 73 16 46 99

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