What’s the cost of living for one semester?
- The cost of living may vary, depending on your standards.
- The average monthly rent in Troyes ranges from 300 to 450 euros depending on the type of accommodation.
- The CVEC is the Student and Campus Life Contribution (Contribution vie étudiante et de campus). Compulsory €91 tax per year for all freemover students https://cvec.etudiant.gouv.fr/. Payment certificate and specific number will be delivered automatically; they will have to be presented for online registration at Y SCHOOLS.
- Compulsory residence permit for non-European students holding ‘Visa Etudiant CESEDA R311-3 6° (60 € in 2019/20).
- Home insurance: approx. €60 per year (compulsory)
- Student Union (BDE) fees: approx. €25 / semester (optional)
- Sports Union (BDS) fees: approx. € 20 / semester (optional)
- Compulsory Student Card (includes access to exams, library, photocopies…) given upon arrival.
- Re-issues will cost €10.
- Lunch ticket at school: €3.95 (2019/20)
- Food: approx. € 250 / month
- Public transport: approx. €35 / month
- “Baguette of bread”: approx. € 1
You can also refer to the Campus France city leaflets for:
Troyes: https://ressources.campusfrance.org/pratique/villes/en/Troyes_en.pdf