Postgraduate degree in Project Design
Course listAwakening your curiosity & developing your imagination
The first year covers a wide range of technical and cultural learning, designed to nourish students’ creativity.
Exploring tools and building know-how
The students are immersed in the learning experience, developing their skills through the project experiences. To enable them to experiment with a more global approach, space and product design courses are added to the visual communication modules.The choice of elective modules and project workshops focused on visual communication, graphic design and digital technology, enables each student to create their own profile as a specialist designer, through the courses they choose.
Designing an approach and getting involved
Following a 4-6 month internship, students work together on real life scenarios, in a multi-disciplinary team where they develop their personal degree project.
Mastering project management and going abroad
During the first semester, the project is a vehicle for teaching new skills and knowledge, training designers to face the challenges of their chosen career and the innovation needs of companies.
There are few lecture-based courses. Through workshops and real-life case studies, the students experience dynamic, personalised learning, nourishing the development of their project by gaining expertise in marketing, finance, law, etc.
Throughout the projects, each student can therefore gain these skills, offered by a varied panel of lecturers, researchers and practitioners.
For the 1st year of the second cycle, a large part of the course is delivered in English.
Research and strategic application in a company
The 5th year is a key time prior to students joining the world of work. It’s an opportunity for them to demonstrate their capacity to manage a project independently, using all the skills acquired throughout their training.
The degree project is produced in partnership with a company, giving students the opportunity to take a step back before they begin the strategic analysis and process of innovation. Students develop the project with a company or institution, under the supervision of a design tutor, and in close collaboration with the educational team at the École Supérieure de Design de Troyes.
The project is based on a global strategic analysis that includes:
- brand image, communication tools and media;,
- production and optimisation of processes;
- products, ranges and workspaces, marketing and communication;
- design of services, usage scenarios, interfaces;
- optimisation of the company’s environmental policy;/li>
- bringing creativity to the company, collaborative working, artistic direction.
Semester 1
- History of design – 3 ECTS credits
- Creative methodology – 1 ECTS credit
- Design as a vehicle for innovation – 1 crédit ECTS
- Coding and culture maker – 2 ECTS credits
- Project and methodology – 6 ECTS credits
- 2D Infographics – 3 ECTS credits
- Volume workshop – 3 crédits ECTS
- Design workshop – 4 ECTS credits
- Layout & Typography – 3 ECTS credits
- English or French language classes – 1 ECTS credit
1 month minimum – 5 ECTS credits
Semester 2
- Maker Camp
- Culture and Semiology of design – 3 ECTS credits
- Product & Usage – 1 ECTS credit
- Space & Context – 1 ECTS credit
- Exploratory projects – 5 ECTS credits
- 2D Infographics – 3 ECTS credits
- 3D Modelling – 3 ECTS credits
- Design workshop – 3 ECTS credits
- Volume workshop – 3 ECTS credits
- Graphic design workshop – 2 ECTS credits
- English or French language classes – 1 ECTS credit
Semester 1
- Thinking about design – 2 ECTS credits
- Design Culture & News – 2 ECTS credits
- Design & Market value – 2 ECTS credits
- 3 Prospective workshops – 6 ECTS credits
- Volume & Ergonomics – 2 ECTS credits
- Layout & Typography – 2 ECTS credits
- Photography – 1 ECTS credit
- 3D Modelling – 2 ECTS credits
- Designing your book – 2 ECTS credits
- Technical drawing – 3 ECTS credits
- 2D Infographics – 3 ECTS credits
- UX & UI Design – 2 ECTS credits
- English or French language classes – 1 ECTS credit
Le + : des options personnalisées
Basée sur 3 champs du design que sont le design produit, le design espace ainsi que la communication visuelle, notre pédagogie permet à chaque étudiant de constituer, au travers des cours qu’il choisit, le profil de designer qui lui correspond ou de s’ouvrir à de nouvelles compétences qu’il souhaite acquérir.
Aussi, dès la 2e année du parcours, les étudiants sont amenés à faire le choix de modules électifs et d’ateliers de projets.
Options en 2e année
Un cours à choisir par famille
Semestre 2
- Parler le design – 2 crédits ECTS
- 2 projets collaboratifs – 8 crédits ECTS
- Dessin & Narration graphique – 2 crédits ECTS
- Design génératif – 2 crédits ECTS
- Anglais – 1 crédit ECTS
Semester 1
Pour les étudiants issus de la 2e année :
4 months minimum – 30 ECTS credits
For newcomers, the internship is replaced by courses and workshops with 2nd and 4th year students :
- el 3 – 3 ECTS credits
- t development in a company – 5 ECTS credits
- 44 ECTS credits
- el 2 – 3 ECTS credits
- e & News – 3 ECTS credits
- et value – 3 ECTS credits
- graphy/ Level 2 – 2 ECTS credits
- ontest – 6 ECTS credits
- design – 2 ECTS credits
- 2 ECTS credits
- ook – 1 ECTS credits
Un cours à choisir par famille
Semester 2
- Thinking about design – 2 ECTS credits
- Eco design – 2 ECTS credits
- Commercial project development – 2 ECTS credits
- 2 corporate projects – 8 crédits ECTS
- Making of design – 3 ECTS credits
- Community Management – 1 crédit ECTS
- Business plan contest – 6 ECTS credits
- English or French language classes – 1 crédit ECTS
Semester 1
- Design project development in a company – 5 ECTS credits
- Workshops design – 5 ECTS credits
- Design culture applied to design project in a company – 2 ECTS credits
- Market and strategy applied to the design project in a company – 3 ECTS credits
- Law and Finance applied to design project in a company – 2 ECTS credits
- Design manifesto – 2 ECTS credits
- Design & Humanities – 3 ECTS credits
- Design law – 2 ECTS credits
- Innovation Management – 2 ECTS credits
- Introduction to Design Management – 2 ECTS credits
Semester 2
The 2nd semester is dedicated to university studies abroad.
The 15 possible destinations include: Argentina, Canada, Finland or Malaysia...
- Design culture applied to the design project – 3 ECTS credits
- Writing the degree project – 2 ECTS credits
- Theoretical research applied to the degree project – 2 ECTS credits
- Law and Finance applied to the degree project – 3 ECTS credits
- Market and strategy applied to the degree project – 3 ECTS credits
- Implementing the design project – 1 ECTS credit
- Strategic design – 2 ECTS credits
- Workshops design – 4 ECTS credits
- Professional strategy – 2 ECTS credits
- Collaborative projects – 1 ECTS credit
- Degree project in a company – 7 ECTS credits
Semester 2
30 ECTS credits
The 5th year offers 3 possible pathways, so depending on the formula chosen, students can:
- * complete the final year on a school/company work and study programme;
- * carry out a research and application internship in a company: 5 months minimum, focusing on applied research, where the student must be involved in a global assignment allocated by the company;
- * choose an incubation period in a student incubator: with the YEC, students have the possibility of validating their end-of-course internship by working on a business start-up project.
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